Saturday, April 16, 2016


Hi everyone, I'm starting a series of blogs about the mysteries and theories of Pokemon.

Today's topic is . . . MYSTERIES ABOUT ASH'S PIKACHU!!!

The mascot of Pokemon has many mysteries to it. Today I will talk about 3 main topics:
1) -How does Pikachu know Iron Tail?

For those who don't know, Iron Tail is a physical Steel attack that has 100 power and 75% chance of hitting the target. Pokemon like Aggron and Steelix can learn this level up move.

In “All Things Bright and Beautifly!” the mouse Pokemon got inspired by a Sentret smashes the rock, using Iron Tail. Later in that episode Pikachu learned how to us Iron Tail but, sadly he had not mastered how to use it.

2) -Why did Pikachu suddenly know Volt Tackle (because Volt Tackle is an Egg Move)?

For those who don't know, Volt Tackle is a physical attack that has 120 power and 100% chance of hitting the target but, the user damage it self in the process. Pokemon like Pichu can learn this egg move (one parent has to have a light ball).

In the end of “May's Egg-Cellent Adventure” Pikachu used Quick Attack to chase Team Rocket and learned Volt Tackle instead. 

3) -How did Pikachu learn Thunderbolt(Lv.29/TM) before Electro Ball(Lv.18)?

For those who don't know, Thunderbolt is a special attack that has 90 power and 100% chance of hitting the target. Pokemon like Pikachu can learn this level up move and Pokemon like Espurr can learn it as a TM.
For those who don't know, Electro Ball is a special attack that always has a different amount of power and 100% chance of hitting the target. Pokemon like Rotom can learn this level up move.

The answer is simple,in “Showdown in Pewter City” Flint taught Pikachu Thunderbolt as a TM. In “Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!” Pikachu learned Electro Ball as a level up move.

There are many more mysteries to the mouse Pokemon, not even I know all the answers.

By: J.H.S.H.S.K.