Sunday, July 24, 2016


NOTE:This blog could get confusing.


There are three theories and 33 Pokemon that I will show you today.

The Pokemon: Arceus (ar-key-is),Mew (my-u), Lugia (loo-gee-uh), Articuno (art-tick-coo-no),Moltres (mole-trace),Zapdos (zap-dos), Ho-oh (hoe-oh), Entei (en-tay), Raikou (rye-coo), Suicune (swee-koon), Rayquaza (raykwaz-uh), Groudon (grau-don), Kyogre (kai-oh-gurr),Regigigas (redge-ee-gee-gus), Regice (redge-ice), Regirock (redge-ee-rock), Registeel (redge-ee-steel), Azelf (az-elf), Mesprit (mes-print), Uxie (yuke-see), Giratina (gear-uh-tee-na), Diaga (dee-al-guh), Palkia (Pal-kee-uh), Landorus (lan-duh-rus), Thundurus (thun-duh-rus), Tornadus (tohr-nay-dus), Kyurem (kyoo-rem), Reshiram (resh-i-ram), Zekron (zeck-rahm), Xerneas (er-nee-us), Yvltal (ev-it-il), Zyarde (ze-gar-de)

1)- MEW
The first theory is about Mew's poke-dex entry.It says “Because Mew can learn and use any Pokemon move, it is thought to be ancestrally linked to all Pokemon.”Now this was the original idea that Mew had created all 150 Pokemon in Kanto. But in Sinnoh Arceus was came and the creation of the Pokemon world began to get confusing.

When Arceus was introduced, its Poke-dex description made the creation of the Pokemon world confusing as it when against the idea of Mew creating the Pokemon world. The entry says “Arceus emerged from an egg in a place of nothing. It is believed to have shaped the world.”

3)-My Theory
Over time, I came to a conclusion. What I believe is that Areus SHAPED the world and created Rayquaza (raykwaz-uh) to protect the planet from the ozone layer, Groudon (grau-don) to form land, and Kyogre (kai-oh-gurr) to produce water.
Then Areus made Regigigas (redge-ee-gee-gus) and then Regigigas made the 3 little “Regis” out of ice, rock, and steel. The 4 “Regis” add landscapes to Gourdon's land. 
Next the first Pokemon to soar the sky with wings was created. Ho-oh (hoe-oh) soared and protected the sky. Next the Alfha Pokemon (Areus) formed Lugia (loo-gee-uh), Articuno (art-tick-coo-no),Moltres (mole-trace), and Zapdos (zap-dos). Areus also created Landorus (lan-duh-rus), Thundurus (thun-duh-rus), Tornadus (tohr-nay-dus), Kyurem (kyoo-rem), Reshiram (resh-i-ram), and Zekron (zeck-rahm). Together the forces of weather helped the balance the sea and the land. The Alfha Pokemon “The Tree of Life” (Xerneas (er-nee-us)) and “The Cocoon of 

Destruction” (Yvltal (ev-it-il)). Areus also created “Z 1/2/3”/3 cores/3 “Squishy” with many cells.

Finally Areus use the last of it's power the create Mews. The Mews created human and ALL of the not mention Pokemon.
After man kind developed, the rainbow Pokemon (Ho-oh) created Entei (en-tay), Raikou (rye-coo), and Suicune (swee-koon) from a Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon that died in fire in a tower in Ecruteak City in Johto. 


Saturday, April 16, 2016


Hi everyone, I'm starting a series of blogs about the mysteries and theories of Pokemon.

Today's topic is . . . MYSTERIES ABOUT ASH'S PIKACHU!!!

The mascot of Pokemon has many mysteries to it. Today I will talk about 3 main topics:
1) -How does Pikachu know Iron Tail?

For those who don't know, Iron Tail is a physical Steel attack that has 100 power and 75% chance of hitting the target. Pokemon like Aggron and Steelix can learn this level up move.

In “All Things Bright and Beautifly!” the mouse Pokemon got inspired by a Sentret smashes the rock, using Iron Tail. Later in that episode Pikachu learned how to us Iron Tail but, sadly he had not mastered how to use it.

2) -Why did Pikachu suddenly know Volt Tackle (because Volt Tackle is an Egg Move)?

For those who don't know, Volt Tackle is a physical attack that has 120 power and 100% chance of hitting the target but, the user damage it self in the process. Pokemon like Pichu can learn this egg move (one parent has to have a light ball).

In the end of “May's Egg-Cellent Adventure” Pikachu used Quick Attack to chase Team Rocket and learned Volt Tackle instead. 

3) -How did Pikachu learn Thunderbolt(Lv.29/TM) before Electro Ball(Lv.18)?

For those who don't know, Thunderbolt is a special attack that has 90 power and 100% chance of hitting the target. Pokemon like Pikachu can learn this level up move and Pokemon like Espurr can learn it as a TM.
For those who don't know, Electro Ball is a special attack that always has a different amount of power and 100% chance of hitting the target. Pokemon like Rotom can learn this level up move.

The answer is simple,in “Showdown in Pewter City” Flint taught Pikachu Thunderbolt as a TM. In “Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!” Pikachu learned Electro Ball as a level up move.

There are many more mysteries to the mouse Pokemon, not even I know all the answers.

By: J.H.S.H.S.K.